Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, this is my first blog post! I am not much of a writer, but I thought this would be something fun to fill my time with (since I have NOTHING to do, HA!)
Let me just tell you a little about myself and my life... I am a 24 year old newly wed! My husband and I got married October 24, 2009, so we have been married almost 6 months! WOW time sure has flown by! We have a new puppy named Molly! She is the most wonderful thing ever! She brightens our day with all the love she shares with us!

We just celebrated our FIRST EASTER as a married couple! It was a wonderful day... As a preacher's wife, you are expected to be at every event the church holds... Well this year, our church had it's FIRST sunrise service. Now, I am NOT one to get up early (it takes all I have to get up to make it to work during the week), but I made a huge exception this morning and I am so glad I did! Itwas a great service and one I plan on attending next year and years to come! The cross in front of the church was decorated beautifully and the sermon was great! I think beginning my day like that with the presenece of the Lord made my day!

We did lots of things as a family today... Molly had her first swimming lesson from Jewel (mom and dad's dog) even though the pool looks like a pond and smells like one! Both dogs were determined they were going swimming!

Well I look forward to posting more later on... hope you have enjoyed this post!